Two new video’s “She dont like guns” and “Gun shy dog”

Hey Guy’s
Been real busy over the past few months, just like everyone else I guess. I have been able to get 2 new video’s filmed and on you tube. Also thanks to all the people who bought CD’s, DVD’s and T-shirts coming up to Christmas, I think Santa bought a few copies as well. The article in the Australia Shooter Mag was very well recieved and i thank the guy’s at the SSAA for putting such a great story together. The SSAA does a huge amount for all Aussie shooters, if your not a member, i suggest you join NOW!
The NSW state election will be on us soon, The Shooters Party needs your vote and your help on election day. This year they are going for 3 seats, so lets all get behind them and help make it happen.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the new clips.
Keep shooting and stay safe


She Dont Like Guns

Gun Shy Dog