Archive for February, 2012

New Music Videos soon

Monday, February 20th, 2012

Hey there gun lovers

The new album is really taking off. I am still working on a few new music video’s but have been held up waiting for approvals for one of the songs to be put up on you tube, hopefully soon. In the meantime, I have put up a 3 part series on a pig hunt I did a few weeks back.

The gun laws have been making news again in NSW as the Govt wants to restrict the sale of ammo and make all dealers record ammo sales. The Shooters and Fishers Party is doing all they can but the Greens have backed the Govt. and once again have brought more pressure on law abiding firearms owners. Losers!!!

Anyway, here’s a link to the 1st hunting video and the other 2 should be linked next to the first.

Keep shooting and Keep smiling


Very First Vlog on You tube

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

Howdy Partner

Well I have finally found the time to do my very first Vlog on you tube…… it only took me two years to get around to it. I intend on putting a few up through out the coming year to see if people are actually interested in what I do and have to say, only time will tell. The Link is below so check it out.

The Anti Gun/Freedom movement ( The Greens Party ) have been up to there usual rubbish again making false claims about illegal guns coming from legal gun owners and have said they will put forward a bill into parliment to restrict the ownership of more than 3 firearms per gun owner. I rang the leader of the Shooters and Fishers Party, Robert Borsak, and he assured me it had very little chance of becoming law as very few other politicians would support such a bill.  Thing is you can never let your guard down with these losers.

Anyway, things are looking up for the Gun industry in Australia as we have now bought more guns back into the country than the Howard Government took away in 1996.

The new album is going well and the I Like Guns album is still not slowing down. Thanks to all who support me and the gun movement here in Australia.

Its a great day to be alive!!!!!
